An Interspiritual-Interfaith Work of Arem Nahariim-Samadhi
All is welcome here...
Living in Love beyond Beliefs
*Red Flowers at Sunset, Hpaich, Flickr
Choose Love, even if your heart is breaking. Say, "I choose Love."
*Metha Buysman
*Passage, H. Koppdelaney, Flickr
*Inner Journey, H. Koppdelaney, Flickr
Celebration is possible only when existence is a continuous newness, and existence is always young. When nothing grows old, when nothing really dies — because everything is constantly reborn — it becomes a dance. Then it is an inner music flowing. Whether you play an instrument or not is not the point, the music is flowing.
*Spirit of Meditation, H. Koppdelaney, Flickr
Listen to this young lady sing her soul out to us... singing of "Love is a symphony"...